Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2008 Danny Awards: Best Danno

The Danny Award for Best Danno is given to the best overall Danno of the year. This Danno must first and foremost have excellent craftsmanship: You have to believe that Danno IS the Danno in the picture. It must also have a clever title and an equally clever caption, to capture the true Dannessence of it all. Needless to say, Best Danno is the most prestigious Danny Award in the world.

Who should win Best Danno?
Danno Claus
Danno Lisa
Danno K. Schrute
Cinco de Danno
Ronald McDanno
Sigmund Freudanno
Danno Day Lewis free polls

1 comment:

Martha Quinn said...

It won't let me vote for some reason! Put me down for Danno Lisa!